Thursday, April 11, 2019

Movie review: Unplanned

PSA: Go see this movie! It will open your eyes! Tell your friends! Have a nice day.

I am pleased to hear how well Unplanned is doing in theaters; number 4 the last I heard. I seriously recommend this movie for everybody. With that being said I wanted to express my take-aways from this movie.

Cheryl, who preceded Abby as director, said 3 different things that really stood out to me about the mentality of the management of Planned Parenthood. Here they are:

1. She pulls Abby aside and tells her about how fast food burger chains break even on burgers and actually make their money on fries and soda. Then informs Abby that abortion is PP's "fries & soda". Wow, not only are these babies "clumps of cells" in their eyes, but they are nothing more than a side order.

2. I believe this was in the same conversation, but at one time this woman gave a basic rundown of all Abby's possessions and said abortion had paid for all of it. Think about that.

3. In the scene where a young girl was still bleeding after her abortion, Abby was stopped from calling an ambulance by Cheryl and was told they don't do that to keep good public relations. Thankfully, the doctor on hand stopped the bleeding, but they really risk a patient's life for good PR?!

Unplanned also shows both ends of the spectrum for Pro-Lifers. In the early part of the movie, we see a man who is the textbook definition for what not to say to a woman going into Planned Parenthood. He automatically assumed it was for an abortion, did not portray the love of God he was preaching, and he pretty much blamed her for getting pregnant. Contrast him to Shawn and His wife. His wife first connects with Abby, never being judgmental, but just there. Abby is eventually seen smiling when conversing with her and then eventually being helped by her once her eyes were opened. This is how every Pro-Lifer needs to act.

I hope I am not contradicting myself with the above statement, but I can't imagine how brainwashed the PP employees are. They kill babies everyday, yet throw Abby a baby shower in the building. They are acknowledging this baby as a baby solely because Abby is. How contradictory is that?

The workers are pushing or "Counseling" these girls to have an abortion and smiling as they do it. Abby had two abortion experiences, surgical and the pill, so how does it not translate to what she tells these girls?

The scene where a girl and her father comes in; the father is forcing the abortion and Abby parrots the support. Then when she has her medical emergency Abby has acknowledge she would be lying to the father about his daughter's condition and does it anyway because it's "her job".

I know when a movie is "based on a true story", it means somethings where altered or made up completely. I fear to find out what was altered or made up in this movie. I hope it is just the details of Abby's personal life because Abby knows what it is like to work for PP and why would any of that be altered or made up? I was shocked to see how graphic the abortion Abby assisted was, as well as her chemical abortion, so I can see why it is rated R. However, still sticking to my recommendation of this movie.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your take aways! You make great points and bring a great perspective to your review.


Movie review: Unplanned

PSA: Go see this movie! It will open your eyes! Tell your friends! Have a nice day. I am pleased to hear how well Unplanned is doing in ...